We have a zero tolerance on any kind of abuse of our service users. This includes:
- actual physical abuse/harm
- social abuse, including bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment and personal exploitation
- social isolation/scapegoating/ostracism/stigmatisation
- financial or material exploitation/abuse/harm
- psychological or emotional abuse/harm
- sexual abuse/harm/exploitation
- neglect and acts of omission
- discriminatory abuse/harm
- self-harm, including self-neglect
- inhuman or degrading treatment
- inappropriate or excessive restraint and restrictions on movement and activities
- organisational abuse/harm.
We will work with the local authority and safeguarding to ensure that all concerns raised are reported and investigated. We have a range of policies explaining how we educate, report and deal with safeguarding, these are available on request. Our stance is that all individuals have the right to live a meaningful life free from abuse.
Zero tolerance towards staff
We will not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination, and we’ll take responsibility to speak up if we see or experience it. We’ll treat all allegations seriously.
Our Zero Tolerance policy includes aggression or threats made in person, over the telephone or in written communication. We consider threatening behaviour to be:
- The use of aggressive, threatening or abusive language (including raising of the voice, swearing and cursing, shouting & hate speech) which threatens or intimidates employees.
- Attempted or actual aggressive, threatening physical actions made towards any member of staff.
We reserve the right to cease verbal or written correspondence with anyone found to be in breach of this policy.